About dansk.ninja

Siden her er et produkt af to menneskers kreative udfoldelser indenfor dansk som andetsprog. Vi lever med og udøver undervisning i dansk hver dag, så hvorfor ikke dele nogle af vores tanker og erfaringer med verden via denne beskedne hjemmeside.

In case you’ve been wondering why the site appears to be a hodgepodge of English and Danish, you’re absolutely right. This is the product of a compromise between wanting users to easily navigate the site and understand grammar explanations, while also learning Danish through the texts, sound files and exercises, that make up the main course, as it were. This also happens to mirror the way we teach in our classrooms every day. There is no reason that English, or other languages, should not have their place in a language learning classroom, as long as it supports and facilitates the acquisition of the target language.

Steffen Haurholm-Larsen

Underviser i dansk som andetsprog


Leon J. Feng-Feldthusen

Underviser i dansk som andetsprog




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